The video above is a very early prototype and isn't a perfect representation of the current state of Outrunner.
Editing splines in UniMIR from beat tracking results.
Navigating and mapping objects to beat nodes in the scene using UniMIR's game object mapping tool.
Simple real time mesh explosion of enemies.
A shader with an inverse depth mask cuts a hole into the focused button's background. A keyword on the shader flips the alpha channel to reverse the mask when a button isn't focused.
Outrunner is a music rail-shooter hybrid currently in production at North Coast. I'm the lead game designer and only programmer on the project. Outrunner is built using Unity 5 and a custom in-house tool UniMIR (working title). By using UniMIR to perform various types of analysis on the level sound track level terrain, enemy animations, and event triggers are generated allowing game events to be perfectly timed to the soundtrack while significantly reducing development time on levels.